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The Polymath - Synopses

Breo Gorst The Polymath Synopsis

The book opens in Barcelona, in 2023, where 83 year old Elliott meets Francesca;  both are interested in Gaudi, both are aware of a recent, dreadful past for England.


Elliott celebrates his 21st birthday on the banks of the Nene;  boyhood home;  prep school;  Bedales;  Edinburgh Medical School;  Quad;  Medicines sans Frontiers;  marrying Charlotte;  Sloane and The Thick of It;  Communities;  World Braziers Congress on Climate and Population.


English fantasy disclosures; Elliott’s death – how you may wonder!

Breo Gorst The Polymath Synopsis
Breo Gorst's novel The Polymath


As 6-year-old Elliot sits on his mother's knee, she explains to him that, to be a specialist in life, you need to know more and more about less and less, till eventually you can't be understood by anyone. He says in astonishment:

"Well then, I want to be a General Specialist!"


This book is about his progress through life to become a General Specialist, odd though that oxymoron may be.  Along the way, he hits upon the most terrific friendships.  Via doctoring, he becomes an advisor across political, economic, security, environmental, entertainment and arts, yet is never given an honour for his work.


His marriage a fiasco, his friendships a joy, his travels a marvel, his home and cars an intriguing wonder, he remains an enigma to all except you, his reader.

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